Arrived at Cherbourg


Arrived at the marina in Cherbourg. Saturday night, I anchored at sea in the protection of Cap d'Antifer and a long breakwater, you can find the picture below. Last night I anchored just before the marina close by the military port. The standard procedure for the military is to call all ships anchored close by so I answered them very politely on the radio. They just asked my boat name, nothing more. With my last trip done, 10% of my voyage (in distance) to West-Africa is already behind me. Wind direction has not been favorable, most sailors know about it, you need to get out of the English channel which means south-westerly direction and the prevailing winds in summertime are, yes, south-sesterly, which means burning diesel at the same time while the sails are up (if possible at all). In my case, it took me 130 liters of diesel so far. I dream every night of the northerly winds which I will meet Insha'Allah in Spain and Portugal. After my night anchorage before the marina, I entered the marina to fill up on fuel and food. An English couple saw me handling the boat and started a conversation, they said they found it quite a challenge to sail single-handedly to West-Africa. I answered them I find it quite a challenge to build myself a future on the European continent.

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